From The Wirral Champion July 2012
I went to the theatre and to Bebington Dramatic Society’s production at the Gladstone Theatre of Fawlty Towers by John Cleese and Connie Booth, based on real life experiences, with the comic talents of the author, and known to many of us from TV. Transferring TV or film successes to the stage always presents problems, and Port Sunlight Players had solved some of these recently in their production of Hi Di Hi.
One problem is the short scenes and lapses of time. The actual Staging needs to be convincing, but this play has the added problem of finding an actor for the John Cleese part, who has the same brilliant timing and zany energy. I was afraid it would not work, but David Oliver gave a brilliant performance, in an excellent wig!
All the casting was faultless. and the direction by Betty Oliver made each scene or episode have its own comedy and fun, and made up an evening of complete enjoyment. It was a triumph of hard work and rehearsal, and even though we remembered some of the sequences, like the betting money, they came over as good as new.
I have never seen Brian Sumner give a better performance with his “I know nothing” gag, and I loved the two old ladies in non-starring roles. I empathised with the poor couple having to move tables, and I found Joan Laycock unsurpassable, and I could go on mentioning everyone by name, but it was real teamwork both on and off the stage, We loved it. Fawltless!