NODA review from 2009
If any society is looking for a good play to perform, then this is a good one. It was fast and funny and a good night’s entertainment.
The story, briefly, is about a husband leaving his wife for a much younger model, and how she copes with the situation of being on her own. To make a comedy out of this drama is not easy I am sure, but this one achieved it.
The wife played by Joan Laycock was excellent. She started off being angry, but decided to kick-start her new life by getting a job, getting fit, and getting a toy boy, all with hilarious consequences.
He long-term girl fiend, Linda bridges, played by Joan Mason, is on hand to offer advice and do all the getting fit part. Her husband, Peter Bridges, played by Joe Mckeown was well cast.
Susan finds herself with the most surprising choice to make, between Henry, played by Eric Lewis, and Thomas, played by Brian Sumner.
It all comes to a head at Susan’s 50th birthday party, with very funny presents given by two would be boy friends.
The teamwork was strong, sincere and truthful. This society presents comedy extremely well. Thank you for you invitation to such a good night’s entertainment.
Joan Mason was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the 2010 NODA awards.