Separate Tables – 28th to 3rd March 2018

Mabel Jane Wing 
Doreen Pauline Garland 
Lady Matheson Geraldine Moloney-Judge
Mrs Railton-Bell Caroline Kay 
Miss Meacham Betty Oliver
Mr Fowler Eric Lewis
Miss Cooper Anna Shaw
Charles Stratton Gareth Jones
Jean Tanner/Stratton Charlotte Neary 
Table By The Window
Anne Shankland Philippa Hipwell
John Malcolm William O’Neill
Table Number Seven
Sybil Railton-Bell Fiona Williams
Major Pollock Charles Riley
Directed by David Oliver
Assisted by Marie Shepard
Stage Manager Vicki Totten
ASM Sam Leslie
Props Carol Pullin
Assisted by Margaret Harland
Lights Steve Bell
Sound James Kay